Saturday, November 03, 2007

All Change!

So the plane's arrived, bringing with it the excitement of letters, fruit and new faces. I've gone through my post, the earliest of which was posted in January, but the latest left the UK in the middle of October! Big thanks to all who mailed me stuff, as good as email is, you can't beat a tangible card or letter. The oddest thing in the bag was a copy of Aberystwyth's local rag the Cambrian News - Helena in Austria wins a pack of limited edition Halley "Diana Princes of Wales" stamps for that one!

More local news!

After eight months with just 18 people on base, the extra ten have filled up the place significantly. Luckily my fear of queuing for the morning cuppa has so far proved unfounded, but what it'll be like when the full 100 strong crew arrive I dread to think.

So Ant, do you remember what do do with this?

Like sunlight, I didn't really notice the disappearance of fruit from the table, but boy am I glad it's back, although we're all taking a few days to re-adjust to the new diet...

Things have changed at work too. The Blimp season is officially over, so I spent most of yesterday on the roof removing antenna and measuring the remaining met instruments which will be relocated to the Laws. We've gained a new colleague in the office - Ryan, a glaciologist who's running a project studying the movement of the Brunt ice-shelf.

The final thing the summer crew seem to have brought is the weather. In spite of terrible forecasts, it's been warm, still and sunny. After a winter with my face behind goggles and balaclava, it feels (and smells) a whole lot better to be out in just a hat and sunglasses.

Summer's here. And it's good.


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